Thursday, September 11, 2008

McCain's Health Care Tax Increase

When you consider the issues that impact parents raising children with special needs, health care is pretty high on the list. In direct contrast to the McCain-Palin soundbite about being a friend to these parents, he is proposing a tax on health benefits for the 71 percent of Americans who have insurance through their employers.

Joe Klein explains it pretty simply: "This plan will do little or nothing for those who do not have insurance now -- unless they are young and healthy -- and it may well hurt a fair number of workers, especially unionized workers, who get gold-plated benefits from their employers. It will certainly do nothing for families with members who have pre-existing conditions or children with special needs."

This blogger on Stand Up for Health Care asks, "Would Sarah Palin Be Covered Under McCain Plan?" She notes that insurance companies see autism, Down Syndrome, and other chronic conditions as profit-killers, and McCain's plan would allow them to keep denying services.

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