Sunday, September 21, 2008

Autistic Author Questions McCain-Palin "Friendliness"

All the way from Australia, Donna Williams, a noted author and lecturer who has autism, asks: "Palin and McCain: Are They Really Autism-Friendly?" She received emails from people urging her to encourage people to vote for McCain-Palin because of Gov. Palin's personal connection with autism and Down Syndrome. Instead, Williams is encouraging people to view this video and "see past the rhetoric."

1 comment:

Kerry D. said...

I had to stop watching this video after seeing the picture of John McCain scowling, which was obviously added to portray him as evil or "unfriendly". It is hard to trust your "facts" when the propaganda is so obviously slanted far to the left--as far as the most liberal member of the Senate.
I have a daughter with special needs. I want the very best for her, want her to grow up in a society that values her. I want all the services that we can get--of course. But I think your position is wrong. You are choosing to support a candidate who does not value life. Obama considers children born out of wedlock a "punishment." See what he said about his own daughters getting pregnant--search it on you tube. We cannot afford an administration that does not value human life because they certainly will not value humans with special needs. They will SAY what you want to hear, but you have to look at the heart beyond the words. If the truth is that human life is not of value, that will control their actions.
Please...if you care about humans with special needs, as well as the unborn humans with special needs, vote for a candidate who values life. It is THE biggest issue.

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