Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Palin Opposes Help for Developmentally Disabled

On Monday in Colorado, Gov. Palin had an opportunity to fulfill her promise to be an advocate for people with disabilities. Instead, she expressed her opposition to a ballot initiative in Colorado to eliminate the waiting list for state services. The initiative is supportive by many Republicans, including the state's First Lady.

Palin spoke out against a Amendment 51, which would raise the sales tax by one cent on every $10 spent for the next two years to help serve 12,000 people on a waiting list to receive state services. These children and adults -- with autism, Down Syndrome, and other developmental delays -- are waiting for services like home nursing care and job training.

Frances Owens, wife of former Republican Gov. Bill Owens, says compassionate conservatives should support helping people with developmental disabilities because it's a moral issue as much as a fiscal issue. Palin disagreed.


Margaret Storey said...

This is very timely--thanks very much for posting it! (One minor correction, though? Owens is the former governor, I believe. I think CO now has a democratic governor.)

Mark Miller said...

Thank you, Margaret. You are right, and I corrected that.

Cathy said...

OMG--it just shows what a farce she is.