Thursday, October 16, 2008

Googlers Rush to Fact-Check McCain's Autism Claims

Because of last night's debate, this blog has had more visits than any other day since I started it on Sept. 7. Most of the recent visits are from Google searches, and many people are searching similar terms:
- sarah palin's connection with autism
- what is Sarah Palin's connection to autism?
- trig palin autism
- palin autism facts
- mccain down syndrome is not autism
- mccain says palin's child is autistic?
- does palin's kid have autism?
- palins kid downs or autistic

So if you're one of the people wondering, "What is Sarah Palin's connection to autism?" here's a short answer. Gov. Palin has a 6-month-old son with Down Syndrome, not autism. She also has a nephew who has autism. That's the extent of her expertise in this area, but during the debate, McCain said she knows more than "almost any American that I know." Of course, this is the same guy who last week called her "uniquely qualified" to cure autism.

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