Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Secretary Clinton on ADA: "We Still Have Work to Do"

In 2015, Hillary Clinton spoke in Ames, Iowa, about the 25th Anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act:

"I think that we should acknowledge how the disabilities community has played such an important role in changing things for the better in our country," she said. Speaking of her first job after law school at the Children's Defense Fund, she said she went door to door to ask families if they had a child who wasn't in school. "I heard mostly that, yes, we have a blind child, a deaf child, a child in a wheelchair, a child with some other kind of disability that is not accepted in school. So we gathered up all of our evidence, and we presented it to the Congress, and that first effort resulted in passing Education for All, and all children with disabilities were given the right to go to school."

She added, "We've come a long way in the last 25 years. We still have work to do. We're by no means finished....There's a lot of unfinished business -- both at home, and around the world....We have our faults and we have our challenges, but there isn't any nation that has continually tried to push forward to widen the circle of opportunity the way we have. Despite the continuing problems that we face, we're going to keep doing that."

Read her full statement.

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