Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Paul Ryan's Vision for the U.S. Education System

Writing in The Atlantic, Jordan Weissmann summarizes Rep. Paul Ryan's plan for education in two words -- "cut" and "privatize." Read "How Would Paul Ryan's Vision Change the U.S. Education System?"

Ryan's budget proposal calls for massive cuts in non-discretionary funding, but does not include specific amount for education or other programs. Current Education Secretary Arne Duncan has estimated that the Ryan budget may cut $2.2 billion from special education funding that goes to the states (currently at $11.6 billion) and $2.7 billion from the $14.5 billion that poor school districts get in Title I funds.

"The House budget report includes a few other interesting details about funding for K-12 and higher education," Weissmann reports. "It suggests killing the interest subsidies on some student loans and curtailing the income-based repayment program for college debt. It would also streamline some of the 82 programs that deal with teacher quality."

"Like most of the modern GOP, [Romney and Ryan are] two men who believe the government needs to move aside and let the private sector handle things. Including teaching."

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