Autism Speaks is asking people to be creative by deciding how to "Light It Up Blue" during Autism Awareness Month in April. They're asking bloggers to post in blue during the month, and when they contacted me they recognized that my blog is already blue (just a coincidence). So the best thing I can do is challenge you to Light It Up Blue and let me and our readers know how you're doing it. Some ideas from the Light It Up Blue website:
- Wear your Autism Speaks puzzle piece pin every day throughout the month of April, and tell people about autism if they ask about it.
- Change your Facebook profile picture to the Light It Up Blue logo and tag at least 10 of your friends.
- Post on your blog about how you are “lighting it up blue” to raise autism awareness.
- Add the Light It Up Blue logo to your e-mail signature … and type your e-mails in blue!
- On April 2, wear blue clothing and ask your co-workers, schools and friends to wear blue too. Take pictures and add them to our Flickr gallery.
- Bake puzzle piece shaped cookies and frost them with blue icing, then bring them to your school, work, or place of worship to raise autism awareness.
In honor of the third annual United Nations World Awareness Day on April 2, the Empire State Building will have a special lighting on the evening of April 1. If the Empire State Building can "go blue," the sky is literally the limit.
1 comment:
Thanks so much for your support of Light It Up Blue and Autism Speaks! We are so grateful for bloggers like you who help spread awareness and promote our mission!
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