Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health Care -- Thoughts?

Are you looking for a long analysis of the health care bill? You won't find it here. I want to know what you think.

Quoted in Disability Scoop, Liz Savage, director of health and housing policy at the Disability Policy Collaboration, said "I think everyone in the disability community is thrilled because everything that we fought for was included."

So are you thrilled?

1 comment:

  1. No, I am not thrilled. The DD population (that's developmental disabilities for those who don't know) still have long waiting lists. Over 300,000 people nationwide are on sometimes decades long waitlists to receive services that would otherwise be covered in an institution. Why is institutionalization an entitlement, but HCBS (home and community based) waivers are not? The CCA that Senator Tom Harkin D-IA sponsored with representative Danny Davis (D-IL) would have helped more than the CLASS act or the other Community ____ Act in the case of persons with developmental disabilities. I believe what's good for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities is good for everyone. Self Determination and Community! Those can't be obtained in an institution.
