Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A License Plate for Erectile Dysfunction Awareness?

In Oklahoma, bitterness over the partisanship defeat of autism insurance coverage continues.

Yesterday the House passed SB 2, a bill that would create an autism awareness licnese plate, among others, but Democratic Floor Leader Mike Brown suggested the priorities of House Republicans might be better reflected by a license plate to raise (sorry) awareness of erectile dysfunction. Going back to last session, a proposal to mandate insurance coverage for autism faced stiff (sorry) opposition from Republicans.

After losing that battle, Rep. Brown in February introduced an amendment saying no Oklahoma insurance carrier could provide coverage for erectile dysfunction unless they also provided coverage for autism spectrum disorders. The amendment was defeated along party lines, 59-37.

"Every Republican in the House chamber that day...voted against my amendment," Rep. Brown said. "They are on the record as saying that sexual pleasure is more important than the health of children with autism and the struggles of their families. Since my Republican colleagues already voted once that they don't believe insurance coverage for autism treatment is at least as important as coverage for erectile dysfunction therapies, I would have expected them to be consistent and promote erectile dysfunction awareness right alongside autism awareness."


  1. I love this article and it is very on par with the GOP agenda... Dick headz with Limp Noodles. Great priorities Republican majority (not all Republicans are bad, just the self-serving lobbyists LOL)

  2. This issue would make great feature material for Saturday Night Live if it were not so serious.

    This legislature has got no moral compass regarding the most vulnerable members of our society, children with special needs, chronically ill, and the elderly.

    The legacy of this legislature will be one of turning their backs on children who can not speak for themselves.

    Also, the license plate needs to a little blue plate.
