Saturday, December 13, 2008

Toys for Kids with Special Needs

With the holidays approaching, I'm going to take a break from politics to share some information about toys for children with special needs. Maybe it will be helpful for your own child or someone you know.

- AblePlay offers online ratings of toys' appropriateness for children with special needs. It's an independent company -- they don't make and sell their own toys.
- They don't make it easy to find, but Toys R Us has a section for "differently abled toys." An awkward name, but you get the point.
- The Dragonfly Toy Company has toys that help develop motor skills, provide visual stimulation, and encourage exploration. (Unfortunately, it looks like a lot of toys are no longer available.)
- Enabling Devices is a great resource. They feature adaptations of classic board games like Hi Ho Cherry-O.

If you have others to recommend, add them to this post!


  1. Great Post Mark,

    I wanted to drop you a comment because I am trying to raise money for the Autism Action Partnership this Christmas, We are selling a Velvet Suit Santa Figurine and a sterling silver Four-Heart Pendant. They really are beautiful pieces and each sale benefits the Autism Action Partnership. I was thinking that you might know someone who would be interested in these gifts/contributions. You can buy the gifts online at

    Merry Christmas and keep up the good posts,

  2. Hi Mark,T
    Thanks for your comment on
    I didn't know that ToysRus had a toy area for special needs - I will share that as well.
    I am going to add your blog to my blogroll and add your feed on my Google homepage. I too think it is important that we keep up with what is happeniung politically. I am especially interested in what Obama does with NCLB.
