Monday, October 13, 2008

McCain-Palin Losing Support among Disability Advocates

I'm hearing a lot more from parents raising children with special needs who WANTED to support McCain-Palin but who don't see any true plan, understanding, or commitment to the issues they care about. Norma Stanley, a marketing consultant who specializes in reaching the disability community, says she was initially impressed with Gov. Palin after her acceptance speech. But now she writes, "not only does Ms. Palin not exhibit too much interest in knowing how she can assist this community, she doesn't recognize the power and influence of the disability community could have on her campaign." According to a recent survey, 57 percent of the disability community "are still leaning toward Sen. Obama, because what we do know of both their positions, support, and plans for the community, it seems that Obama's are more substantial than Sen. McCain's."

1 comment:

  1. I just posted on Mrs. Stanley's website this same link but wanted to share here as well.
    As far as positions go, actions speak louder than words.
    Apparently Gov. Palin's vision for her son is that he will be living in a 30 bed residential facility like this home in the article. I hope not of course and I hope she learns that this is not the life anyone should live.
    These are scary times when people get excited about 30 bed residential facilities. We already did the institution thing but apparently if you package it differently and wait long enough then people will forget that this is wrong and that these are citizens we are hiding away from the community where they belong.
